Spring Mushroom Hunting Tours

As the winter weather warms into spring, Terra Fleurs offers morel mushroom hunting trips. Starting in May and continuing through June (sometimes into July), morels appear when soil temperatures reach the low 40’s (Fahrenheit). This is usually around Mother’s Day in the lowlands and, as the season progresses, we go to higher elevations to find them. In addition to morel mushrooms, there are also spring porcini to be found. Spring porcini grow in June and their season is very short and unpredictable. Many people would describe the feeling when one discovers a hidden patch of wild mushrooms as joyous, exhilarating, energizing!

Morel and porcini mushrooms are the most prized of the edibles. Their meaty texture and savory flavor is relished by chefs everywhere. They also dry easily and preserve your bounty to enjoy later — they keep for years, stored dried in an airtight container.

Morel trips require a full day as travel times can be longer than fall forays. They typically take place in eastern Washington, east of Seattle. Terrain can be rugged so plan on wearing hiking boots, clothing that covers your whole body and bring a pack to carry snack and water (read more here). The cost per person is $128, the experience is priceless! Gather up your friends for an outdoor adventure morel and create memories that last a lifetime.

Megan with morel mushrooms in-hand on a Terra Fleurs tour.
A basket full of porcini mushrooms found on a Terra Fleurs mushroom hunting tour

(top) Megan with a morel mushroom in hand; (bottom) basket of porcinis!